Train together with the stars of the Swiss Cup Zürich!

Swiss Cup Kidz Day


7 November 2024, Traitafina Turnzentrum Aargau


Date: 7 November 2024

Place: Traitafina Turnzentrum Aargau (Hammermattenstrasse 11, 5600 Lenzburg)

Start of the  Swiss Cup Kidz Day: 5.15 p.m.

On 7 November 2024, the Swiss Cup Zürich invites you to train with the top world gymnasts.  Get their autographs on the Swiss Cup Kidz Day T-Shirt, get valuable tips and train with the world-class athletes for the Swiss Cup Zürich, THE sporting show of the year due to take place on Saturday, 9 November 2024 in the Zürich Hallenstadion. What’s more, you can be there for free.

If you were born between 2012 and 2018, apply here. The closing date for entries is 31 August 2024.

The Swiss Cup Zurich gymnastics stars wish you good luck!

The winners will be announced by email. No correspondence about the drawing by lot. No cash payment of prizes ! 


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